| We are working on graphic design based on typography. And we are interested in using various visual languages as a means of communication. We produce a diverse range of work across multiple disciplines that includes graphic design, editorial design, exhibition design, information design, signage design and brand design. 
| 가장 가치 있는 브랜드는 사람들이 경험하고, 기억하고, 공유할 수 있는 이야기를 만들어냅니다. 
| SIMPLE, CLEAR, HARMONY, BALANCE >>> MAKE A RULE. | We use a variety of communication methods to guide our customers through their brand experience journey. From the birth of a brand to its expansion by creating a methodology through simplicity, clarity, harmony, and balance. We are working on brand experience design. 
| Creative Directing & Consulting | Brand Design, Graphic Design, Book Design, Information Design, Exhibition Design, Sign & Space Design, etc. Design | Strategy & Consulting / Design & Planning >>> Brand Experience 

about hej

kim sunghoon ︎︎︎

- ETERNO (Brand Book)
- happy new year 2025

- MEMORY(Book)
- ETERNO (Brand Fonts)
- ETERNO (Architectural philosophy)
- ETERNO (Brand Philosophy)
- ETERNO (Brand Identity)
- 578th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- Markus  Lüpertz: Sins, Myths and Other Questions (Exhibition Book)
- Markus  Lüpertz: Sins, Myths and Other Questions (Exhibition Leaflet)
- LEIKO IKEMURA: Light on the Horizon (Exhibition Book)
- LEIKO IKEMURA: Light on the Horizon (Exhibition Poster)
-ETERNO CHEONGDAM Sign System ​(Signage)

2023- 577th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Poster) 
- Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Book) 
- Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Design)
- Lee Jeong-gi, a pilgrim who follows the sound (Book) 
- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Photo Book)
- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Photo Book)

- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Exhibition Poster)
- LAPENTHILL (Brand Book)
- A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Leaflet)
- A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Graphic)
- A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Poster)
- LAPENTHILL (Billboard)
- LAPENTHILL (Application 2)
- LAPENTHILL (Application 1)
- LAPENTHILL (Branding) 
- 576th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- LUXIA (Brand Book)
- Honey SaSha (Brand Movie)
- Honey SaSha (Branding)
- LUXIA (Billboard)
- LUXIA (Brand Book)
- LUXIA (Letter of Invitation)
- LUXIA (Brand Movie)
- LUXIA (Branding)
- hej (Branding)

- THE A.TION (Application)
- THE A.TION (Branding) 
- Happy New Year 2022 (Poster) 
- 2022 hej (Calendar)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Customize Book_Double)
- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Customize Book_Single)
- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Application) 
- K ONE (Branding)
- korecipe (Package)
- korecipe (Branding) 
- 2020 Kakao’s Commitment and Responsibility (Report) 
- KCC (Brochure)
- WEMADE shift (Mask & Strap set) 
- buddyBUDDY (Branding) 
- hej (Goods) 

Before 2021
- Stardust, Black & White (Poster)
- SHIFT (WEMADE Brand Extension)
- WEMADE, SHIFT (Mask Kit) 
- 574th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- Dokkaebi (Book) 
- Kang Yoon Sung, Graphic Design Story (Book) 
- Beautiful Building in the City 2020 (Calendar)
- Vamos (Eco Bag) 
- Happy New Year 2020 (Poster)
- Currency War (Poster)
- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Book)
- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Exhibition Design)
- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Poster)
- March 1st Independence Movement and Establishment of Provisional Government of Korea (Poster)
- 573th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- Gwangju Design Biennale 2019 (Book) 
- Junglim Architecture (Branding) 
- Bauhaus Dessau, 100 Years of Bauhaus (Poster)
- March First Independence Movement (in 1919, against the Japaness colonial rule) (Poster)
- Happy New Year 2019 (Poster)
- 572th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- wecampaign (Branding) 
- Hangeul, 14 Consonant Letter (Poster)
- 571st Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 570th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- Birthday of Hangeul (Branding)


| we are working on graphic design based on typography. and we are interested in using various visual languages as a means of communication. we produce a diverse range of work across multiple disciplines that includes graphic design, editorial design, exhibition design, information design, signage design and brand design. 
| 가장 가치 있는 브랜드는 사람들이 경험하고, 기억하고, 공유할 수 있는 이야기를 만들어냅니다. 
| SIMPLE, CLEAR, HARMONY, BALANCE >>> MAKE A RULE. | We use a variety of communication methods to guide our customers through their brand experience journey. from the birth of a brand to its expansion by creating a methodology through simplicity, clarity, harmony, and balance. We are working on brand experience design. 
| Creative Directing & Consulting | Brand Design, Graphic Design, Book Design, Information Design, Exhibition Design, Sign & Space Design, etc. Design | Strategy & Consulting / Design & Planning >>> Brand Experience 

about hej

kim sunghoon ︎︎︎

Brand Philosophy, Brand Design / Branding
2023 - 2024

- GOLD, LONDON DESIGN AWARDS, Communication Design - Company Branding, LONDON/UK (2024)
- PLATINUM, International Architecture & Design Awards 2024, Branded Content / Brand and Corporate Identity Design Completed / Professional Category (2024)
- IRON, A’Design Award & Competition 2022-Brand Design, MILANO/ITALY (2024)

Client: ETERNO

대한민국 최고 주거 브랜드인 에테르노의 브랜드를 디자인했습니다.
에테르노. 이름 그대로 시대를 초월한 아름다움을 표현하고자 했습니다. 에테르노는 공간의 예술적 가치뿐만 아니라 시간의 경험적 가치까지 아우르는 영속성을 추구합니다. 견고한 감각으로 지어진 에테르노에서의 매 순간, 모든 경험이 각자의 삶을 고유하게 만들기를 희망합니다.
독일 미술사가 요하임 빈켈만의 Edle Einfalt und stille Größe (고귀한 단순, 고요한 위대)를 에테르노 브랜드의 핵심 철학으로 삼아 에테르노의 시각언어, 문자언어, 브랜드의 태도 등을 정리해 나갔습니다.
인간의 삶에서 큰 비중을 차지하는 주거에 대한 본질을 탐구하며 집을 짓는 행위, 그 안에서의 삶, 그리고 삶을 살아가며 경험하는 사유에 대한 에테르노만의 주거에 대한 기준을 만들었습니다. 에테르노의 브랜드 자산을 기반으로 브랜드의 방향성을 정의하고 이를 토대로 통합 브랜딩 전략을 수립했습니다. 이러한 통합 브랜딩 전략에 기반해 에테르노만의 고유한 브랜드 경험을 설계하고자 했습니다.
건축 콘셉트인 파르테논 신전을 기반으로 황금비율, 대지의 수평선과 빛과 기둥의 수직선을 핵심 요소로 사용해 에테르노 시각화에 적용했습니다.
We designed the brand for ETERNO, South Korea’s leading residential brand.
ETERNO. As the name suggests, we wanted to express the timelessness of beauty. ETERNO seeks permanence, not only in the artistic value of space, but also in the experiential value of time. Built with a sense of solidity, we hope that every moment and every experience in ETERNO will make your life unique.
German art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann’s Edle Einfalt und stille Größe is the core philosophy of the ETERNO brand, and it has guided our visual language, written language, and brand attitude.
Exploring the essence of home, which is such a big part of human life, we created ETERNO's definition of home: the act of building a home, the life within it, and the reasons for living and experiencing it. We defined the direction of the brand based on ETERNO’s brand assets and established an integrated branding strategy based on them. Based on this integrated branding strategy, we wanted to design a unique brand experience for ETERNO.
Based on the architectural concept of the Parthenon, we used the golden ratio, the horizontal lines of the earth and the vertical lines of light and columns as key elements and applied them to the visualisation of ETERNO.