| We are working on graphic design based on typography. And we are interested in using various visual languages as a means of communication. We produce a diverse range of work across multiple disciplines that includes graphic design, editorial design, exhibition design, information design, signage design and brand design. 
| 가장 가치 있는 브랜드는 사람들이 경험하고, 기억하고, 공유할 수 있는 이야기를 만들어냅니다. 
| SIMPLE, CLEAR, HARMONY, BALANCE >>> MAKE A RULE. | We use a variety of communication methods to guide our customers through their brand experience journey. From the birth of a brand to its expansion by creating a methodology through simplicity, clarity, harmony, and balance. We are working on brand experience design. 
| Creative Directing & Consulting | Brand Design, Graphic Design, Book Design, Information Design, Exhibition Design, Sign & Space Design, etc. Design | Strategy & Consulting / Design & Planning >>> Brand Experience 

about hej

kim sunghoon ︎︎︎

- ETERNO (Brand Book) - happy new year 2025

- MEMORY(Book)
- ETERNO (Brand Fonts)
- ETERNO (Architectural philosophy)
- ETERNO (Brand Philosophy)
- ETERNO (Brand Identity)
- 578th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- Markus  Lüpertz: Sins, Myths and Other Questions (Exhibition Book) - Markus  Lüpertz: Sins, Myths and Other Questions (Exhibition Leaflet)
- LEIKO IKEMURA: Light on the Horizon (Exhibition Book)
- LEIKO IKEMURA: Light on the Horizon (Exhibition Poster)
-ETERNO CHEONGDAM Sign System ​(Signage)

2023- 577th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) - Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Poster) 
- Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Book) 
- Anselm Kiefer: HERBST(Exhibition Design)
- Lee Jeong-gi, a pilgrim who follows the sound (Book) 
- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Photo Book)
- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Photo Book)

- Korean Photography Inside Out, 1929-1982 (Exhibition Poster)
- LAPENTHILL (Brand Book)
- A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Leaflet)
- A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Graphic) - A New Encounter, Immersive Gallery of Korean Art (Exhibition Poster)
- LAPENTHILL (Billboard)
- LAPENTHILL (Application 2)
- LAPENTHILL (Application 1)
- LAPENTHILL (Branding) 
- 576th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- LUXIA (Brand Book)
- Honey SaSha (Brand Movie)
- Honey SaSha (Branding) - LUXIA (Billboard)
- LUXIA (Brand Book)
- LUXIA (Letter of Invitation)
- LUXIA (Brand Movie) - LUXIA (Branding)
- hej (Branding)

- THE A.TION (Application)
- THE A.TION (Branding) 
- Happy New Year 2022 (Poster) 
- 2022 hej (Calendar)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 575th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Customize Book_Double)- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Customize Book_Single)
- ETERNO CHEONGDAM (Brand Application) 
- K ONE (Branding) - korecipe (Package)
- korecipe (Branding) 
- 2020 Kakao’s Commitment and Responsibility (Report) 
- KCC (Brochure)
- WEMADE shift (Mask & Strap set) 
- buddyBUDDY (Branding)  - hej (Goods) 

Before 2021
- Stardust, Black & White (Poster)
- SHIFT (WEMADE Brand Extension)
- WEMADE, SHIFT (Mask Kit) 
- 574th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- Dokkaebi (Book) 
- Kang Yoon Sung, Graphic Design Story (Book) 
- Beautiful Building in the City 2020 (Calendar)
- Vamos (Eco Bag) 
- Happy New Year 2020 (Poster)
- Currency War (Poster)- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Book)
- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Exhibition Design)
- Exhibition of 100 Years of Democracy in Korea (Poster)
- March 1st Independence Movement and Establishment of Provisional Government of Korea (Poster)
- 573th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- Gwangju Design Biennale 2019 (Book) 
- Junglim Architecture (Branding) - Bauhaus Dessau, 100 Years of Bauhaus (Poster)
- March First Independence Movement (in 1919, against the Japaness colonial rule) (Poster)
- Happy New Year 2019 (Poster)
- 572th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- wecampaign (Branding) 
- Hangeul, 14 Consonant Letter (Poster)
- 571st Birthday of Hangeul (Poster)
- 570th Birthday of Hangeul (Poster) 
- Birthday of Hangeul (Branding)


| we are working on graphic design based on typography. and we are interested in using various visual languages as a means of communication. we produce a diverse range of work across multiple disciplines that includes graphic design, editorial design, exhibition design, information design, signage design and brand design. 
| 가장 가치 있는 브랜드는 사람들이 경험하고, 기억하고, 공유할 수 있는 이야기를 만들어냅니다. 
| SIMPLE, CLEAR, HARMONY, BALANCE >>> MAKE A RULE. | We use a variety of communication methods to guide our customers through their brand experience journey. from the birth of a brand to its expansion by creating a methodology through simplicity, clarity, harmony, and balance. We are working on brand experience design. 
| Creative Directing & Consulting | Brand Design, Graphic Design, Book Design, Information Design, Exhibition Design, Sign & Space Design, etc. Design | Strategy & Consulting / Design & Planning >>> Brand Experience 

about hej

kim sunghoon ︎︎︎

Anselm Kiefer: HERBST

Exhibition Book / Exhibition

- GOLD, ADC Awards 2023, Communication & Web Design, Editorial & Publication Design (2023)
- SILVER, LONDON DESIGN AWARDS, Communication Design - Printed Publications, LONDON/UK (2023)

210 x 280 mm
92 page
Offset Print


독일 현대미술의 거장, 안젤름 키퍼의 개인전 <가을>의 전시 그래픽과 도록, 포스터 등 관련 디자인을 진행했습니다.
독일 현대미술의 거장, 안젤름 키퍼의 한국 첫 개인전인 <가을>전이 대전 헤레디움에서 열립니다. 전 세계가 주목하는 현대미술의 거장이자, 신표현주의 화가 안젤름 키퍼의 <가을> 전시는 시인 라이너 마리아 릴케의 <가을날>, <가을>, <가을의 마지막>이라는 세 편의 시에서 출발한 생생한 가을의 심상을 느낄 수 있습니다. 안젤름 키퍼는 시인이 되고 싶었을 정도로 시를 사랑했으며 화가의 길을 택한 이후에도 다양한 시를 참조하여 작품을 만들어 왔습니다. 세계대전 이후 터부시되던 독일의 역사를 정면으로 바라보는 과감하 제스처를 선보이며 예술계의 주목을 한 몸에 받은 안젤름 키퍼의 작품을 일제강점기 시절 수탈의 장소였던 동양척식주식회사 대전지점이었던 장소인 헤레디움에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 안젤름 키퍼의 작품 세계와 일제강점기를 대표하는 장소에서의 전시를 표현하기 위해 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 종이를 선택하고 책의 크기를 정했습니다. 책에 표현된 콘셉트를 바탕으로 포스터, 리플릿, 전시 그래픽 등에 적용하여 전시를 완성했습니다.
We designed a exhibition graphics, exhibition book, and posters of Anselm Kiefer's solo exhibition Autumn, a master of modern German art.
The HERBST exhibition, the first solo exhibition in Korea by German contemporary art master Anselm Kiefer, will be held at Daejeon Heredium. The exhibition "HERBST" by Anselm Kiefer, a world-renowned modern art master and neo-expressionist artist, offers a vivid image of autumn, starting with three poems by poet Rainer Maria Rilke: "Autumn Day," "Autumn" and "The Last of Autumn." Anselm Kiefer loved poetry to the point where he wanted to be a poet, and even after choosing the path of an artist, he has been making works by referring to various poems. Anselm Kiefer's work, which drew attention from the art world by showing a bold gesture to look directly at Germany's history after World War II, can be found at HEREDIUM, the site of the Daejeon branch of Oriental Development Co., Ltd., a place of exploitation during Japanese colonial era. In order to express the world of Anselm Kiefer's work and the exhibition at a place that represents Japanese colonial era, we selected the paper that best represents it and sized the book. Based on the concept expressed in the book, the exhibition was completed by applying it to posters, leaflets, and exhibition graphics.